At Greensolver, health and safety is paramount and is at the heart of everything we do. Now that the pandemic has changed the way in which we go about our day to day lives, your employees and workforce may be feeling confused about where this leaves them at work. ‘What is being done on wind and solar farms to protect employees?’, ‘What are the new regulations on COVID-19 and will this impact me?’ may be some of the questions your workforce want to know about health and safety, and Greensolver are here to help.
Our health and safety specialist, Adam Richardson, has provided the latest training package surrounding the pandemic and how the adapted measures change the way employees in the renewable energy industry work. The comprehensive training covers awareness, precautions and company requirements, including official guidance and measures.
What are the new COVID-19 regulations?
- Governments across the world have been working with the World Health Organisation (WHO) to devise a phased COVID-19 plan, such as the development of The Health Protection (COVID-19) Regulations 2020
What is being done on wind and solar farms to protect employees?
Being well-informed about the virus is key. Companies are now expected to provide a number of guidelines and, if asked, should be able to provide these to employees. These should cover:
- Office/site hygiene measures
- Information, instruction, training and supervision (IITS)
- How to spot symptoms of the COVID-19 illness
- Who to contact in the company if you become unwell
- Details of sick pay entitlements and policy
- Working from home guidelines
- Consideration of travel requirements
- Fair treatment regardless of race or ethnicity
For more information on this training package or our other HSE services, please get in touch at or visit our operations page.