Base Layout
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Guy is Greensolver’s CEO, a company he founded back in 2008 when part of the Eolfi Group. He bought Greensolver with JOHES SA Company in 2013. Guy has worked as CFO and then CEO of international groups in Europe before joining Eolfi, a pioneer of the renewable energy sector in 2008, as Deputy General Manager. Guy is a Chartered Accountant (CA), graduated from McGill and Stanford (executive education).
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Guy is Greensolver’s CEO, a company he founded back in 2008 when part of the Eolfi Group. He bought Greensolver with JOHES SA Company in 2013. Guy has worked as CFO and then CEO of international groups in Europe before joining Eolfi, a pioneer of the renewable energy sector in 2008, as Deputy General Manager. Guy is a Chartered Accountant (CA), graduated from McGill and Stanford (executive education).
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Guy is Greensolver’s CEO, a company he founded back in 2008 when part of the Eolfi Group. He bought Greensolver with JOHES SA Company in 2013. Guy has worked as CFO and then CEO of international groups in Europe before joining Eolfi, a pioneer of the renewable energy sector in 2008, as Deputy General Manager. Guy is a Chartered Accountant (CA), graduated from McGill and Stanford (executive education).
Overlay Layout
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Demo media 203701014
Sales & Marketing Manager
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Demo media 203701014
Sales & Marketing Manager
Demo media 203701014
Sales & Marketing Manager
Demo media 203701014
Sales & Marketing Manager
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Demo media 1288051989
Owner & CEO
Demo media 203701014
Sales & Marketing Manager